Archive | July, 2012

Discovering Denali part 2

28 Jul

We are really enjoying our “vacation” here in Denali! Brandon and I explored, what the locals call, the Canyon.

We ate delicious ice cream from Denali Glacier Scoops. Yum! We also ate pizza at Prospector’s Pizza. I tried Blue Zinfandel made in Homer, Alaska. The wine is made from Alaska blueberries. It was absolutely delicious! I will definitely be purchasing a bottle when I go to Fairbanks on Monday! πŸ™‚

Brandon & I also ventured into Denali National Forest.

We went to the visitor center in the park. It was really neat. – Very informative.


Brandon had an interview at Princess Lodge in Denali yesterday. It went very well. He should hear something back at the beginning of next week. The position was for a maintenance manager. It could possibly be a job that is year-round rather than seasonal.

Last night Mom & Dad ordered pizza from Totem Inn and they had some friends over to watch the openings for the Olympics. So Brandon & I ended up having pizza twice yesterday. But that was okay with us! We are major pizza lovers!! πŸ™‚

Today we went to Denali National Park again but this time EVERYBODY went. (Mom, Dad, 3 sisters, Meme, Brandon, & myself) We went to the Sled dog kennels. It was so cool!!






They had around 30 sled dogs at this facility. Today the temperature was around 75Β° and the dogs were dying hot! Lol. They hate hot weather and do better in much colder temperatures. (32Β°) Some time this winter they have an event where we can go see the sled dogs in action. (and no I’m not talking about the iditarod.)

Tomorrow we are going to attend church with Mom & Dad. (I’m really going to miss going to OneLife!!) Monday our plan is to go to Fairbanks. We need to go to the grocery. But I will blog again next week.

Oh yea & I have yet to see a moose!! But I’ve seen plenty of moose poop! I’m convinced that moose don’t really live here. Lol.

Love to all!!

Discovering Denali

26 Jul

Today I went free yard sale-ing in the garage. It was awesome! Mom & Dad still have lots of boxes that they have yet to unpack so I went through them and took whatever I needed for my bedroom. It’s starting to feel a little more homey. πŸ™‚

After Dad got home from work, he took Meme, Brandon, & me to check out the scenery in Denali. It was absolutely breathtaking! The river in these pictures is the Nenana River. On the opposite side of the river is a railroad track that can take you to Fairbanks.


We also went up to a hotel in Denali that is supposedly the largest hotel in Alaska. These were a few signs we saw on the way up the mountain to see this hotel.




This was the view from a balcony on the largest hotel in Alaska. This view oversees Denali.


We had a wonderful day today! πŸ™‚ Our luggage should be delivered tomorrow! Yay! (Only one bag arrived with us in Fairbanks on Monday. The rest arrived late last night and is being delivered to us tomorrow.)

Love to all!

Canoeing Crazies!

24 Jul

We got home around 3 a.m. We were exhausted and immediately crashed in bed! We got up, Dad went to work, and Mom showed us around town.

I saw Mom’s new beauty shop (which is awesome), I met the coffee shop lady (although I don’t remember her name :-/), and I saw the chamber of commerce (which consists of a log cabin)

Tonight after we ate supper, my sister, Taylor & I went paddle boating out on the lake behind the house.



After my little paddle boating adventure, Brandon & I thought we would take the canoe for a spin. πŸ™‚





Brandon & I agreed that we need to pack a lunch one day and canoe to the island in the center of the lake to have a picnic. πŸ™‚

I’m not sure what we have planned for tomorrow but I will blog again sometime this week.

Say some prayers that Brandon & I both find good paying jobs in the near future! Thanks again for all the thoughts & prayers as we establish ourselves here in Alaska.

Love to all!

In faraway Fairbanks

24 Jul

Our plane ride to Fairbanks was fairly uneventful! (Praise God!) The power of prayer works!

Annabelle & Ruby were quite content on this FOREVER long flight. They both meowed a few times but not enough to disturb anyone else around.

Brandon & I got a few cat naps in on the flight but it will be nice to get home and crawl in bed!


Touchdown in Denver

23 Jul

Touchdown in Denver! Two flights down, 1 flight & 2-hour drive to go! πŸ™‚

We loaded the plane in St. Louis, got all situated, and then the flight attendant proceeded to tell us that Brandon & I would have to sit 10 rows apart since we have two animals. So I ended up sitting with a nice man flying to San Diego. There was a girl sitting across the row from me with two babies (8 month old and a 2 year old). She was from Owensboro! (Small world!) She lives in Anchorage with her military husband.

Anyway, Annabelle & Ruby did wonderful on the plane. No bodily fluid leakage this time! πŸ™‚ I had to check on the kitties several times because they were being so quiet!!

We are now in Denver waiting on our flight to Fairbanks. Say some prayers that we survive this next flight. It’s the long one (5 1/2 hours).


We found a family bathroom and were able to let Annabelle & Ruby out to roam around.


Talk to y’all in Fairbanks!


In St. Louis

23 Jul

Made it to St. Louis.

Here was my view on our last plane.

The man on the left is the pilot. The man on the right was a lucky passenger who got to co-pilot.

Ruby meowed the entire way.

Annabelle was wonderful other than the fact that she peed on herself. 😦 Poor Annabelle!

When we arrived in St. Louis we had to go to the ticket counter to pay for Annabelle & Ruby. Then we had to go BACK through security. I almost had an anxiety attack but my wonderful husband talked me through it. πŸ™‚ I sure love him!! ❀

Now we are sitting, waiting for our next flight. Annabelle and Ruby are very content on the ground. πŸ™‚

I will post more in Denver…if I have time.

Love to all!!

No goodbyes! See you later!

23 Jul

Getting ready to load the plane. All nine passengers…by the way that’s a full plane. Lol.

Brandon being super thrilled about this journey & me (who really is excited about this trip)


Annabelle and Ruby being wonderful, patient little kitties.



22 Jul

The house is completely empty! Our tenants have signed the lease. We are good to go! πŸ™‚



We have just a few boxes to send to ourselves.


I will try my best to post updates throughout the day tomorrow as we make our way to the 49th state!

Love to all!

Meow Monday!

16 Jul

Sleeping kitties! πŸ™‚

Ruby sleeping in a pile of clothes.


Annabelle sleeping in her kitty cube.


Couches & Carhartts

14 Jul

9 days until the BIG move! CRAZZYY! Time has really flown since I started blogging at the beginning of June.Β  Everything is leaving my house & finding new homes, I am now down to – two chairs, a table, a couch, and a mattress in my house.Β  We have been without television since Thursday.Β  (You don’t realize how much you watch TV until you no longer have one! Aghh!)

I have a couch…but you can’t sit on it. LOL!

No room on the couch…so this is where Brandon is napping.

As most of you know, we had our HUGE yard sale last Saturday here at the house.Β  The yard sale went way better than I expected!Β  We had a constant flow of people at the yard sale from 6am-12pm! (Even though last Saturday was the hottest day of the year so far…Heat index was 112Β°!!) I want to thank – Ann, Sam, The Hunts, Karla, the Wiles Cousins, and Mamaw for coming to help out at the yard sale! Brandon and I could not have done it without you all!! πŸ™‚

In other news, Brandon’s last day of work was yesterday (Friday).Β  They had a nice little going away party for him at work! They gave him a very nice NEW Carhartt coat and a warm hoodie to take to Alaska.

Ruby loves Brandon’s new Carhartt coat!

So now that Brandon is done with work, next week we will be hitting it hard, getting every last thing moved out of the house!

Please keep me & Brandon in your thoughts and prayers as we make this move across the country!Β  We are relying heavily on God to take away our anxieties and worries as we draw closer to July 23rd!

Love to all!
