Archive | January, 2013

Meow Monday!

28 Jan

I showed Annabelle & Ruby the hamster. Annabelle wasn’t so sure of it. Ruby wanted to play with it. 🙂




Love to all!

Silent But Deadly!

26 Jan

Look at how sweet and innocent it is out today. Sun’s shining bright! ☀





But it’s quite dangerous outside with these kind of temperatures.


So we’re hunkered down enjoying the fire!


Love to all!

Meow Monday!

21 Jan


Ruby was hungry!


Love to all!

Smash em’ Saturday!

19 Jan

Today the Whitmore-Lingerfelt clan planned to go snow machining up past Usibelli Coal Mine.

Dad had hitched up the snow machines to the back of his truck and we were all set to go.

But Brandon apparently had different plans.







Brandon’s fine. I was with Mom at the time.

And yea well my beautiful truck is now on it’s way to Fairbanks on a flat bed.

Now hopefully our plans to go snow machining work out for tomorrow!

Love to all!

Meow Monday!

14 Jan



The weather here has been totally crappy!! It’s been 41° for most of the day. The lake is melting and all the snow has pretty much blown away! Ugh! I guess it could be much a blizzard or something. But HELLO..I’m in Alaska. I wanna some snow machining weather!!

Say some prayers for Brandon and I, as we continue our adventure in Alaska.

Also if anyone has any prayer requests they would like me to pray about shoot me a text or email and I will be happy to pray to our miraculous God! 🙂

Love to all!!

One Life Henderson

13 Jan

There is the most amazing church in Henderson, Kentucky called One Life.

It opened its doors for the first time on 10-10-10. As soon as it opened Brandon and I heard many great things about this church and what all they had going on. So in May of 2011 we began going there. Brandon and I both immediately fell in love with this church.

We had tried out several other churches but we both just got this feeling as soon as we stepped in the doors at One Life. So from then on we attended One Life regularly and VERY much enjoyed it. I had never been to a church service where I sat on the edge of my chair listening so intently to the ENTIRE sermon. I mean any preacher can have a great sermon every now and then but gosh it seemed like EVERY sermon was AWESOME! And I always felt like our preacher was talking directly to me.

So anyway, one of the HARDEST things about leaving Henderson (besides leaving our family) was leaving One Life behind. I mean you can always find a church to go to but Brandon & I both felt so connected there!

One of the many things I LOVE about One Life is how technology savvy they are. They are always using the coolest, newest gadgets and programs to enhance the church. So one of the coolest things they did was create a One Life app! In this app, each and every sermon has been recorded and all the notes that go along with that sermon have been added. It’s so neat! If you happen to miss a Sunday or if you’re like us and have missed 6 months of sermons then you can get caught up by watching them on the app. I love still feeling like I’m connected to One Life, even though I’m 3,700 miles away.

Okay, so there is a point to my rambling! If you live in or around Henderson you should really considering checking out One Life sometime!! I have attached their link to this page if you want to find out exactly where it is and what time services start. It’s located in Eastgate if that helps any.

For those of you who do not live in or around Henderson you should really considering downloading the One Life Church app. It’s really awesome!


Lastly, One Life has grown so much in the past two years that in August of 2012 they opened a second One Life campus in Evansville, Indiana. It is a satellite campus so they receive the broadcasted sermon from the Henderson campus. (Told ya they are technology gurus!) They renovated an old brewery in Evansville and created this magnificent building. It’s pretty cool!! 🙂

Here is a picture of One Life West in Evansville.


Alright, I’m done talking now.
Love to all!!

Grad School here I come!

9 Jan

I will begin the long process of earning my master’s degree today! Yay!

I am enrolled with the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Kentucky. It is a really pretty, private Southern Baptist college. I will be earning my degree through online courses.

I’m hoping I will earn my master’s degree by next May…if finances work out. The degree will be a Masters of Education – Reading & Writing Specialist.

Say some prayers for me as I begin yet another chapter in my life!

Love to all!

Anchors Away!

8 Jan

So Brandon and I woke up at 1:30 a.m. to an inch of water in our bedroom and bathroom!! Eeekk!!!

Apparently the septic tank decided to back up.

Daddy and his Xtratuffs.

This is my “it’s 1:30 a.m. and there is an inch of water in my bedroom” face.


I’m tired! I’m going to bed!
Love to all!

Meow Monday!

7 Jan


Love my kitties! 🙂

Love to all!!

Alyeska Adventures

6 Jan

So I had promised to tell about our exciting trip to Anchorage and Alyeska so here it is! 🙂

We decided last minute (as in the night before) that we (Whitmore-Lingerfelt clan) were going to drive down to Anchorage to spend New Years. So Mom & Dad left on Sunday morning so they could take the girls swimming at this really neat place called H2Oasis.

Here is a picture of this awesome indoor water park.

Anyway, Brandon and I left after he got off work at 2pm. The drive to Anchorage was uneventful. In daylight with clear roads, the trip usually takes about 4 hours. But with it being PITCH black with icy roads the trip took us about 5 1/2 hours. But again, it was quite uneventful which I was thankful for! 🙂

We stayed at the Puffin Inn in Anchorage again. It’s a pretty nice little hotel with a good continental breakfast…for cheap!! We like cheap!! Lol.


On Monday, we drove down Seward Highway, which a few years ago was on the top 50 places in the world to visit. If you click the Seward Highway link I attached some information about the highway. It’s pretty interesting. Here are a few pictures I took while we were on the road.






We took some better pictures on Mom’s camera that I can hopefully upload someday! Lol.

We drove down Seward Highway to Alyeska Ski Resort which is about 45 minutes south of Anchorage.

The hotel was absolutely gorgeous!! We didn’t stay at the hotel but if you get a chance to click on the link for Alyeska definitely check out the pictures!! It is breathtaking!!

We went skiing/snowboarding at Alyeska. I took a two hour snowboarding lesson and spent most of the two hours laying on the ground. Needless to say..I don’t think I will be getting back on a snowboard anytime soon. BUT I would love to go skiing again!!

Again, Mom took some really good pictures of all of us skiing and snowboarding on her camera. I will try to upload them sometime.

Brandon went snowboarding but of course he didn’t spend most of his time on the ground. He actually got to ride on the ski lifts and go down some black diamonds. (I didn’t make it past the bunny hills and magic carpets. Haha.)

We ate dinner at this really cool restaurant at the resort. I can’t remember what it was called but the ceiling was AWESOME!!
They turned black lights on and the ceiling just glowed!!

Dad with our appetizer…chili cheese fries! Yum!


So after we spent Monday at Alyeska, Tuesday we went to Target in Wasilla!!! Woohoo!!!! I had not been to a Target store in over 5 months!! I was in heaven in their dollar section. (You Target lovers will know what I’m talking about!!) I spent all morning at Target, then we shopped at a few more stores and then drove home to Healy.

We had a great little getaway!

Okay so enough talking your head off here is a picture for you to enjoy. 🙂

Love to all!!