Archive | November, 2012

Meow Monday!

26 Nov

The wind is blowing today which means the temperature will rise. The high today is around 0° which is a huge considering it has been around -20° for several weeks. Personally I hate the wind and think it feels colder when the wind blows. And I get snow pounded in my face like little sand particles. Ugh! But all is well! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!! 🙂

Now some snapshots of my nosey kitties!

Love to all!!



Frosty Frontier

21 Nov

It’s been a tad bit chilly the past few weeks!!




Before moving to Alaska I had no idea people had to literally PLUG in their vehicles to keep all the liquids in their engine and whatever else from freezing. CRAZY!!

I have a short cord that hangs out of the front of my truck that has to be plugged in if I am going to be leaving my truck in the cold for a long period of time (like over an hour).

This is a picture of several vehicles plugged in at school. You gotta get to school early to get an outlet!! 🙂

So now I have learned to plug in my vehicle if it is going to be sitting for a long period of time.

The other day I learned that extension cords freeze! Lol. (I keep two extension cords in my truck just in case the outlet is too far away.) So anyway, I came out to my truck a few days ago and the cord was so stiff and would not bend up to put in my truck. Grrr!! But I managed to stuff it in the back seat anyway.

Ohhh the things you learn when living in Alaska! 🙂

Well tomorrow is Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a wonderful food filled day. This will be our first Thanksgiving without Brandon’s parents to celebrate with. It will be a difficult time for us all. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow and for the rest of the holiday season.


Love to all!!
Bethany (& Brandon)

Meow Monday!!

12 Nov

The only children I’m having for a long time!! 🙂



Love to all!